Thursday, February 12, 2015

Exposing Deception In Natural Hair Products

At first I would say that it is awesome that finally companies are taking notice to the “Natural Hair Trend” that has taken place in the last 20 years. But after realizing that most of these companies are just capitalizing on the influx of people embracing their natural coifs, ingredients are the least of their concerns. From bloggers that advertise national brand products, to packaging/displays utilizing celebrities, to advertisements strategically placed during your favorite television show. The reality is that many companies found in beauty supply stores and on aisles at the big box retailers truly don’t have natural hair in mind when formulating the actual product. 

So the next time you are in a beauty supply store or big box retailer, take a look at the many products that are marketed towards natural hair, turn it around and look at the ingredients. Now compare those ingredients used in products that are just labeled for black hair (specifically relaxed hair)… See any similarities. You do don’t you. Do feel some kind of way? You should, see what these national brands have realized is that taking a product and repackaging it to market towards the natural hair community is a multi billion-dollar market. So why actually try to change the formula of a product that is already doing well, instead they give it a spin off name, create a label and utilize key words found that naturalistas have concerns for. Grrrrreat Marketing, *gives round of  applause* Deceptive little ...*shut your mouth*

After being a part of many blogs and dialogue on social media as well as email/Skype, with other natural women and men, I have found that people like being blindsided. Why you ask? Tuh, most people don’t like spending money on their hair, for quality products or just have been burned by inexperienced stylist. With that being said, most will rather spend money on cheap products that claim to do something and in reality it doesn’t do anything it describes, yet it does cause a ton of other issues.  Combine that with the misuse of multiple products at once, lack of professional care and daily/weekly abuse that one may subject to their crowns to that equals a mess of a disaster.

The damage done has lead to a few of blogsites, magazines, Natural hair specialist and small business products dedicated to dispelling myths in the natural hair world.  Women and men alike are asking the same questions such as “why is my hair dry?”, “Why am I experiencing breakage?”, “How do I get rid of buildup?”, “How do I get my hair to look like the box or this picture?” and “How do I get my hair to hold a style?”
SMH, WELLLLLP… let me help you by answering all those questions with one answer. Try checking your ingredients on your products used in your coifs.

Be wary of products that say “No Wax”, “No Beeswax”, “Does Not Cause Buildup”, “Alcohol Free” and etc. Usually some of those products will contain an alternative to those ingredients. Think of it like reality television… It’s called reality but in most cases its scenes are a skewed reality that is situationally set up and fueled by liquor.  Labeling on national brand low quality products is to suggest the opposite of what it contains and what it does. 

By investing in professional care from time to time and high quality products you can see and feel a difference with your crown. When speaking of professional expert care I mean someone that has a license and seeks education to keep abreast of trends and products. High quality products will have more natural ingredients that you can pronounce with in the first 5-10 ingredients. Don’t get sucked into a pretty label, celebrity endorsements or typical phrases that imply the opposite like the aforementioned and “For Natural Hair and Locs”.  It starts by knowing key ingredients and what they do and how to read in between the lines. It’s really simple to S.imply K.eep Y.our H.air H.ealthy

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